Friday, July 11, 2008

And Baby Makes Six!

My best friend Danylle had her sixth and last baby!! He was born July 8 via casarean and Danylle looks amazing for her sixth! She is an amazing mother, friend and person. I could not do what she does(I have only two kids for a reason). I just want her to know that good friends are hard to find and I am glad I found her! Congratulations on your new baby boy!!!! Ok so there won't be any pictures of the new baby. The blogging phase has not hit yet for Danylle(notice I said yet). She didn't want pictures of the baby on the net yet. It's ok I still love her and the new baby!!


Alisha said...

Hi Shannon! I'm glad you found me. Your blog is cute. I know what you mean about it making you take pictures. It helps me. I'll add you to my list so I can keep up with you and your boys:)

The Losee Family said...

I am so happy to see you started your blog. You will do great! I added you to mine and yes you can add mine to yours. Keep it up it looks good.

kate said...

your blog is SO cute! how'd you decorate it like that?! i'm so glad you found my blog! i was sad to not really get to say goodbye to anybody, it was a bit crazy when we were leaving...i'll definitely keep in touch via your blog!

Anonymous said...

How great is this! I love your template. I am happy to see a few people's blog that I didn't know about. I will have to look into it. Blogs are so fun.

The Losee Family said...

Time for an update!!! And I added you to my blog and yes it's fine to add me to yours.