Friday, August 01, 2008

20 Interesting Facts...

Here are some interesting facts about me you may or may not know. A friend did this and I thought it would be kind of fun!
1. I cannot float. I can dive and swim but not float. Wierd I know!
2. I love spaghetti! My most favorite food.
3. I love Dr. Pepper. Goes great with spaghetti!
4. I was a cheerleader in high school.
5. I took gymnastics for close to ten years. Yes, I could do all of those amazing flips back then.
6. I am afraid of heights. The Grand Canyon was awesome , but scary!
7. I cannot roll my tongue so as to roll your "r's". Speaking a foreign language like French, which I did, was difficult.
8. I received the "Hope of America" award in sixth grade. Some may know what this is some may not. Brittany I put that in for you.
9. I have taken MANY sewing classes yet I still do not know how to sew. I have come to the conclusion this is a gift and I did not receive it.
10.My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird".
11. I am not really a baby person. I love my own but I prefer the toddler and preschool years. They are so fun at that age!
12. I have accidently put super glue in my eye. I don't know if I should be admitting to this but it's too late now.
13. I love my hair brushed and back rubbed. I can easily fall asleep if someone is doing that to me.
14. I have been to Hawaii. Can't wait to go back someday.
15. I am more of a cat person than a dog person. I love all animals in general though.
16. I did not get my driver's license til I was seventeen. I was so scared.
17. I love to learn about mythology. I have always been fascinated by the legends and stories.
18. I love cheesecake-just plain no berries or anything like that.
19. I don't really like wearing shoes. Sandals work fine for me.
20. I believe things in life happen for a reason.

Whew! Sadly, I could keep going but this is only 20 facts!


SherRon said...

If your wanting the best cheesecake call Keristen. She makes the best Chocolate cheescake. If you need her number let me know. I think this was fun I got to know a few things about you I didn't know. We should get together and make some quilts since you have absic sewing skills.

The Losee Family said...

I know I copied, but it looked fun. I have mixed feelings about summer being over. I think I am ready for school to start in away, but I cant believe how old my kids are getting. And I am not ready for the camping and all the vacation stuff to come to an end.

Unknown said...

yes I love #12. It is too late! hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa