Monday, May 04, 2009

God Does Answers Prayers...... Sort of

So the saying is true be careful what you wish for. I was telling Allen I was a little tired of my church callings because they were too easy. I said I think I would like a change as long as it isn't this .............

Yep. I am the new Relief Society teacher. I don't know why but I am sooo terrified to do this. Allen asked why I didn't say no(He doesn't have a hard time saying "no".) I told him I felt like a needed to say yes but really wanted to say no. So please keep your fingers crossed and keep me in your prayers.


kate said...

i'm sure you'll do amazing!! wish i could be there to hear you!

Jamie said...

Yay! Your going to do GREAT! Good luck :)

The Losee Family said...

hahahahahaha!!! Thats all I'm going to say.

SherRon said...

You will be awesome! Just teach by the spirit and you'll be fine. When are we going to get that dp?

The Losee Family said...

You did great, now you can stop worring it will be 2 months before you have to do it again. And I promise I will be there to support you!!!!