2. He is a good big brother to Zach. I couldn't have asked for better.
3. He is a happy morning person.
4. He is very intelligent.
5. He has a very vivid imagination. i wouldn't be suprised if he were to invent something someday.
6. He has an excellent memory- Remembering when mom asks him to clean his room, not so well. ha ha!
7. He has a great sense of humor and is so fun to be around.
8. He loves to draw and is very artistic.
9. He is the best gamer I have ever seen(well Rogan may still come in first and Michol a close second) but I tell you Preston is amazing with those video games. His dexeterity is awesome. He is so fun to watch.
10. His enthusiam for life.
11. His affection towards his parents. Even though he is the big 11, he still gives me hugs once in a while.
Happy 11th Birthday Preston!
Great picture!!!! Also, I love the decorated room in the previous post... and the scarface poster is priceless.
You've really had some hilarious malfunctions lately..... :) Love you!
Shannon: What an awesome tribute to your son. He is all that and more. Fun photo and I especially love the scarface memory... Happy Birthday Preston!
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